Frequently Asked Questions

  • Worldwide shipping? Yes.
  • International shipping time? 3-7 business days.
  • Return Policy? All sales are final. In case the goods are not provided, the customer is entitled to a full refund for his purchase. Prior to purchase, the customer is advised to consult the detailed product pictures provided. In so doing, the customer accepts the condition of the goods and is only eligible for a refund in case the goods differ significantly from the pictures (unseen defects/defects in transit).
  • Risks of wearing old sneakers? Unless the outsole is hardened (which would be specified in the description), 10-20 year old shoes are perfectly wearable. There is always a risk of sole separation due to glue having dried up, especially on 15+ year old shoes. That however is fixable and the shoes remain perfectly wearable.
  • Sizing? All sizes listed are US men's sizes. A US Women's size is 1.5 size up, so a size 7 Men's is a size 8.5 Women's.